CUPE BC Expense Policy

Effective June 1, 2021



The purpose of this expense policy is to reimburse members for expenses incurred on behalf of CUPE BC. This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Trustees. Expense claim forms must be submitted within 6 months of when the expense(s) were incurred. The Secretary-Treasurer is authorized to approve expense claims past the 6 months for extraordinary circumstances.


Lost wages for regularly scheduled hours of work shall be repaid at cost directly to the Local Union only. Wage loss will not be paid directly to individuals.


If accommodations are required, they must be booked through the CUPE BC office. Members are entitled to a single room, however if members choose to share a room, this should be clarified with the CUPE BC office when booking the room. Where possible all room, taxes and parking will be billed directly to CUPE BC.


If required, dependant care will be paid outside of regular working hours at the rate of up to $20.00/hour to a maximum of $300.00/day (which includes travel time) upon completion of the CUPE BC Dependant Care Expense Claim form.


To be the most convenient and economical means with the maximum kilometres not to exceed airfare. Airfare where required (economy class) must be booked through WE Travel.

a. Automobile allowance 59¢ km.

b. Parking cost when on CUPE BC business (receipt must be provided).

c. Taxi or airport shuttle from airport to hotel to meeting place upon submission of receipts. Taxis to be shared when possible.

d. Where ferry travel is required, only land kilometres will be reimbursed (as well as ferry fares with submitted receipts). (Note: some distance calculators include the kilometres the ferry travels over the water, those kilometres should be deducted from claim.)

e. If you are not claiming for parking (excluding hotel parking where you are staying), taxi or mileage the day of your meeting you can claim a one day transit honorarium equivalent to the cost of an All Day Transit pass if you are using the public transit system to attend the meeting.


a. $43.00 per half day meeting (when no meals provided).

b. $86.00 per day for an all-day meeting (when no meals provided).

c. $43.00 for half-day of incoming travel to next day meeting or return travel day, next day after meeting.

d. $86.00 for full day travel to and from meetings.

e. $43.00 for evening meetings requiring meals (unless already receiving $86.00 full day per diem).

f. Where members are booked off for special projects (e.g. Zone coordinators, Campaign Workers, etc.), the full-time officers per diem policy will apply.


a. $17.00 for in person meetings where all expenses (meals) are included.

b. $17.00 for video conferencing meetings scheduled for four (4) hours or more.


The CUPE BC Expense Policy will apply for full-time officers as follows: when conducting the duties of their office for meetings of the Admin Committee, Executive Board, BC Fed., etc. and committee meetings on behalf of CUPE BC away from the office.

When daily per diem is not in effect regular in town per diem will apply as per the Constitution. ($17.00 per day.)


In cases where CUPE BC business causes Executive Board members and/or Trustees to lose both of their consecutive regularly scheduled days off, they will be allowed to book off days in lieu at CUPE BC’s expense. Prior authorization of the Secretary -Treasurer is required for book off of days in lieu.


Convention committee members will have wages and rooms paid for those days the committee is required to meet prior to Convention convening. Per diem for days committee meets when Convention is not in session will be – $86.00.

The following per diems will apply to the Credentials, Resolutions and Sergeant-at-Arms Committees when Convention is in session:

a. Chairperson – $35.00 per day.

b. Committee Members – $30.00 per day.

c. Hotel room at prevailing rates and loss of wages as required.

Convention Committee members who wish to forfeit per diem may have this amount donated to the Colleen Jordan Humanity Fund.

Resolutions Committee – When required to meet prior to the start of convention, lunch will be provided. When required to meet prior to daily convening of convention and through the lunch break food will be provided.


Where receipted expenses are being submitted, a credit card/debit slip will not be accepted on its own. An itemized receipt from the agency must also be included (e.g. hotels, BC Ferries, etc.) If no receipt is available due to special circumstances a declaration providing an explanation may be accepted, signed by the member and authorized by the Secretary-Treasurer. These declarations may be reviewed by the Trustees.